Combined Spring Damper for Vibration Control and Shock Absorption | Resistoflex


Rotating machinery creates large vibration forces which require isolation from the surrounding building structure. Large forces or doubtful machine stability may require the use of an inertia block of steel or concrete to provide low dynamic amplitude on the machine whilst providing a stable and stiff base supported by steel springs and dampers. Where system resonances may be excited to unacceptable amplitude due to the varying speed of the machine or transient conditions, damping must be incorporated.

LOAD / ISOLATOR - up to 3200 Kgs

DAMPING - up to 40% of Critical Damping

Each system is individually designed and analyzed to ensure that the correct spring stiffnesses, system damping and masses are provided to permit proper operation of the mounted equipment.

First introduced in 1950 by our collaborators CHRISTIE & GREY LTD., ENGLAND, AN ISO 9001 Certified Company, these systems are now used world-over.

Combined Spring Damper Image 1
Combined Spring Damper Image 2