About Us
Resistoflex Group
since 1947
RESISTOFLEX was founded in 1947 by Late Mr. R.K. Jain after graduating in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering from BHU, India. He was joined by Mr. Ratish Jain, B.Tech & Silver medallist from IIT Delhi. He forged several alliances with globally acclaimed companies in related fields. Further, RESISTOFLEX was co-opted to the Mechanical Vibration and Shock Sectional Committee of the Bureau of Indian Standards.
RESISTOFLEX offers a most comprehensive range of products comprising of:
Application Engineering
Shock, Vibration & Seismic Engineering
Flexible Piping Systems for:
Machine Tools & Forging Hammers
Army Vehicles, Tanks, Shelters
Naval Ships & Submarines
Industrial Equipments
Heavy Machines
Base Isolation Systems for:
Building & Bridges

We're Thriving And Building Better Products

RESISTOFLEX offers complete engineering services which includes : Diagnostic Investigation, Technical Analysis, System Design, Supervision of Installation, Performance Evaluation & Post Monitoring.

RESISTOFLEX has advanced computer programs and decades of experience to design and recommend the most efficient and economical isolation system for applications as diversified as passive insulation of Delicate Instruments and active isolation of massive Forging Hammers.

Nearly one million products are made on floor area of over 130000 sq. ft. in 4 modern plants equipped with latest manufacturing and dynamic test facilities.

Many products are regularly exported to U.S.A., U.K., France, Germany, Middle East, Taiwan, Korea, etc
Our Valued Customers

Global Presence