Delivering high vibration isolation system in this segment
since 1991. Our HVAC division is capable of providing complete system
solutions having multiple types of equipment installed in various
configurations. A complete guide of Isolators for rooftop equipment,
floating floors, service floor equipment, pipe line and plant room equipment
is available to efficiently minimize cyclic vibrations and structure borne
noise. With customer satisfaction as our ultimate goal, we design, develop
and customize products to suit specific requirements.
Some of our
old cases include rubber expansion joints in Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
which are still in service since 1980, spring viscous dampers at the rooftop
equipment of Escorts Heart Research Center, Seismic Snubber at Indira Gandhi
National Centre for Performing Arts and Spring Hangers for ceiling suspended
Vibration isolation solutions Resistoflex
Resistoflex has an extensive range of solutions for dealing with vibration in HVAC installations. Products include:
- Elastomeric/ Rubber Mounts
- Spring Mounts
- Hangers
- Antivibration Pad & Shock Absorbing Pad