S. No. |
Subject |
Venue |
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1 |
The Physics of Vibration Control Mechanisms & Devices
Plant Machineries in Industrial Environment. Proceedings of Physical
Sciences Section103rd. Indian Sciences Congress at Mysore University.
Department of Physics, Nobel Laureate Avenue, University of
Mysore |
Jan. 2016 |
2 |
Design of Vibration Isolation Systems related to
Assembly & MEMS (Micro – Electro Mechanical Systems) for Fabrication
Workshop & Test Laboratory. |
Indian Space Research Organization – ISRO HQ.
Bangalore |
Jan.2016 |
on request
3 |
Design of Vibration Isolation Systems for Laser
and High Resolution Spectroscopy. Article No.CP 8.4 – LASERS in INDUSTRY &
DEFENCE- 24thDept. Of Atomic Energy (DAE) – Board of Research in Nuclear
Sciences (BRNS) National Laser Symposium (NLS-24) at Raja Ramanna Centre for
Advance Technology RRCAT. (ISBN: 978-81-903321-6-3) |
Dept. of Atomic Energy, RRCAT - INDORE |
Dec.2015 |
on request
4 |
Design of Vibration Isolation Systems for Advance
and Aerospace Test Laboratories in an Industrial Environment. Published in
Proceedings of National Conference on Innovative Research in Physical and
Mathematical Sciences and Environmental Dynamics.
(ISBN – 978-93-85822-07) |
JNU, New Delhi |
Nov.2015 |
5 |
The Optimization technique in Design of vibration &
Isolation System for Industrial application Sponsored by BMW. |
International Centre for Automotive Technology (ICAT)
Manesar |
22 August 2015 |
6 |
Design of Vibration Isolation Systems for Advance
Laboratories focusing the High Resolution Instruments. National Symposium on
recent Advances in Analytical Sciences and its Applications. Organized by
Society of Analytical Scientists (Delhi Chapter) – R&D, Indian Oil
Corporation Ltd.(IOCL) |
HQ: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) TROMBAY |
Feb.2015 |
on request
7 |
The Mathematical and Physical Science concepts involved
design of Advance Vibration & Shock Isolation Systems focusing Automobile &
Aerospace applications. Ref- Proceedings of Conference on Advance Techniques
& Devices in Mathematics & Physical Sciences. [An International Meet] CATDMP
– 2015( ISBN – 978-93-84935-11-5) |
Department of Mathematics & Physics SRM University, Delhi –
NCR Campus |
Jan.2015 |
8 |
Topic Session K – Solid Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics,
Geophysics and Relatively- “Mathematical design of vibration & Shock
isolation Systems focusing Automobile and Aerospace applications”
80th Conference of Indian Mathematical Society IMS (Estd. 1907) [Ref.
Abs.IMS Newsletter No.33 March/April 2015] |
Dept. of Applied Mathematics Indian School of mines,
Dhanbad. |
Dec.2014 |
9 |
System Design with Restraining Devices for the
Equipment’s from vibration & Shock of Seismic and Micro – seismic Nature.
Ref. (Earthquake Engineering – Volume 2.) Proc. of 15 Symposium on
Earthquake Engineering.(I5 SEE – 2014 pp 721-726) |
Dept. of Earthquake Engineering IIT Roorkee |
Dec.2014 |
10 |
Mathematical Analysis and Concepts for Industrial
Design of
Vibration & Shock Isolation Sys.(Focusing Differential Equations and
Eigenfrequency Solutions) – 78th Annual Conference of The Indian
Mathematical Society. DST–Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical
Sciences. |
Dept. of Mathematics Banaras Hindu University
(BHU–Varanasi) |
Scheduled in January – 2013 |
on request
11 |
Workshop on Mathematical Analysis and Design of
Vibration &
Shock Isolation system focusing Aerospace applications Organized by
Departmentof Mathematics and AerospaceEngineering. |
Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida |
November - 2012 |
12 |
Mathematical Colloquium at Department of Mathematics
University : "Mathematical Analysis and Design of Vibration & Shock
Isolation Systems" (National Year of Mathematics – 2012) |
Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida |
September – 2012 |
on request
13 |
Optimization Technique and Fuzzy Logic Concepts Used in
Vibration & Shock Isolation System Design (National Symposium On
Instrumentation) |
Inverties University, Bareilly |
October – 2011 |
14 |
Design Consideration for Vibration & Noise Isolation
Covering Higher Frequency Band and an Analogy between Mechanical and
Molecular Vibration ( National Conference On Ultrasonic – NCU 2011)
Bundelkhand University, Jhansi India |
March – 2011 |
15 |
System Design with Restraining Devices for the
Equipments from Vibration & Shock Of Seismic & Micro-Seismic Nature
Dept. of Earthquake Engineering Indian Institute of
Technology I.I.T Roorkee |
December, 2010 |
on request
16 |
Vibration Isolation system selection and optimization
calculation results extended to high frequency band. ( Journal )
Proceedings of National Symposium on Acoustics NSA -2007 at KSR College of
Publication – Macmilan Advance Research Series pp 105-108. |
Department of Physics, Nobel Laureate Avenue, University of
Mysore |
Jan. 2016 |
on request
17 |
Mathematical Modeling & Optimization Techniques In
Vibration Isolation Systems For Industrial Applications |
Mathematical Modeling & Optimization Techniques In Design Of
Vibration Isolation Systems For Industrial Applications |
November, 2006 |
on request
18 |
Application of symmetry concept of Physics to
sub-systems & assembly design for high resolution instruments and
experiments. |
Instrument Research & Development Estd. DRDO- IRDE,
Dehradun |
12-15 Dec, 2005 |
on request
19 |
System Design Optimization & Application of Vibration
Shock Isolators in Industrial Environment.
National Conference on Optimum and Reliable Product Design organized by
Numerical Simulation Technology and Applied Mechanics. |
Dept. of Applied Mechanics Indian Institute of Technology at
IIT Delhi |
Dec. 2005 |
on request
20 |
Micro – Seismic Shock Isolator Design using
modeling and Fuzzy Logic concepts of Electronic control Instrumentation.
Proceedings of Symposium. On Seismic Hazard analysis and Micro – zonation.
pp- 399-407. |
IIT Roorkee |
Sept. 2005 |
on request
21 |
Seismic and micro-seismic Wave propagation through
media and its analogy with the Diffraction of Electro-Magnetic Waves at
Infrared Frequency Band(National Symposium in World Year of Physics-WYP
2005) |
Indraprastha Engineering College |
April – 2005 |
on request
22 |
Application of Vibration Isolation Techniques for
Metrology Laboratories.
Proceedings All India Seminar on Advances In Metrology for Manufacturing
Technology Organized by
The Institution of Engineers (India) and Central Mechanical Engineering
Research Institute( CMERI ) . pp 25-35 |
CMERI Durgapur |
February, 2004 |
23 |
Design of Vibration Isolation systems for metrological
laboratories in industrial Environment. Proceedings of 4th International
Conference on Advance in Metrology: Equivalent f Standards and Global
Recognition (Admet 2003). Journal of Metrology Soc.of India, Vol.18(pp
211-216) |
National Physical Laboratory, NPL India, New Delhi
February, 2003 |
on request
24 |
Design considerations for vibration Isolation of
instruments and systems from micro seismic disturbances. Proceedings of
12thSymposium on Earthquake Engineering at IIT Roorkee, Vol.2(pp 1543-1549)
Indian Institute of Technology,Roorkee |
December, 2002 |
on request
25 |
The Application of Vibration and Shock Isolation
in Hi-Tech Proceedings of 89th Indian Science Congress – Engineering
Science Section (Advance Abstracts ), pp. 25 |
Lucknow University |
January – 2002 |
26 |
Design Trends and Application of Vibration Isolation
Techniques for Electro- Mechanical Systems in Dynamic Environment. “Modern
Perspectives in Machines and Mechanism” Proceedings of National Conference
on Machines and Mechanism ( NaCoMM ) at Mechanical Engineering.pp 481-488
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur |
December, 2001 |
on request
27 |
Vibration Isolator System Design and Application for
Optical Instruments in Dynamic Environment. Proceedings of Workshop on
Recent Earthquakes, at Department of Earthquake Engineering.
pp 247 -249
University of Roorkee, Roorkee |
May, 2001 |
on request
28 |
Vibration Isolation of Optical Sensors, instruments
Laser systems in Industrial Environment. By advance Technology Centre IIT
Kharagpur – Electronics Science Department University of Calcutta.
Proceedings of International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics.Vol.II
pp 795-797 |
Taj Bengal, Kolkata |
December, 2000 |
on request
29 |
Application of Vibration Isolation Techniques in
System Design. Journal of Acoustical Society of India. Vol.28, No.1 –
4,2000, pp 87 – 90. |
National Symposium on Acoustics at Tiruchirapalli |
Nov - 2000 |
on request
30 |
Vibration Isolation techniques for CMM and Sensitive
Instruments in hi –tech area. National Workshop on Co –ordinate Metrology at
National Physical Laboratory N.P.L India . Journal of Metrology Society of
India Vol.XIII, No.2 April 1998 pp 43-48 (ISSN 0970-3590) |
National Physical Laboratory N.P.L India |
April -1998 |
on request