Seismic Restrained Spring Mounts - Resistoflex


Resistoflex Seismic Restrained Spring Mounts are designed for Vibration Isolation and Seismic Restraint of equipments subjected to weight variations and large external forces.
The mounts are designed to provide a high 'G' SEISMIC RESTRAINT IN ALL DIRECTIONS WITH BUILT IN SNUBBERS.
The mounts reduce transmission SRSM of low frequency machinery vibration to a building structure to avoid physical damage or annoyance to the occupants.

SRSM Mounts are ideal for large or heavy equipments mounted on structural frames or concrete bases on roof tops even in wind prone areas or active seismic zones due to the integral vertical & lateral restraints. Equipments with large volumes of liquid benefit because during "draining down" upward movement is restricted thus avoiding damage to equipment, pipework and electrical connections.

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ACTIVE ISOLATION of large size rotating machines with or without inertial block running at speeds down to 350 rpm and developing very high dynamic forces (unbalance, short-circuit, couples) such as