Bharat Forge Replaces Spring Damper System with Resistoflex Super Shock Absorbing Pad For 400 KJ Forging Hammer

Challenge :-

Bharat Forge was facing problem with their 400 KJ Forging hammer. The hammer was tilted from its base.
For isolation of Forging Hammer, the customer was previously using 2-Stage vibration isolation, which included Anti Shock Mat, Inertial block and Spring Damper system.

Solution :-

Bharat Forge contacted Resistoflex, and we recommended a single stage solution with Resistoflex Super Shock Absorbing Pad with 11-layered stack below the anvil and reinforced concrete block specially designed by structural team.

Results :-

The customer has removed Spring Damper system.

The effective isolation achieved after using 11 layered Resistoflex Super Shock absorbing pad is approximately 60 to 70% of impact force generated by hammer.